Clinical Trials

Help determine the safety & effectiveness
of newly-developed pharmaceuticals.

A Clinical Trial is a form of clinical research to determine the safety and effectiveness of newly developed pharmaceutical medications. An investigator and study coordinator monitor and collect data from qualifying patients to help determine the outcomes of the trial.

Each Clinical Trial is developed to provide specific outcomes. Each study has a specific protocol (a set of guidelines to follow). An Internal Review Board (IRB) oversees that the guidelines are followed correctly.

A Clinical Trial can provide information through controlled subjects to help the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approve the pharmaceutical medication.

Who can participate in a trial?

  • Each clinical trial is designed to find specific end results. The trial can either be for pediatric, adults, or both.
  • There are specific exclusion and inclusion criteria to meet in order to be a candidate in each trial.

Compensation is provided to candidates for travel.

Investigational product and clinic visits are free to participants.

For a free pre-screening to participate in one of our clinical trials, please contact Kern Research at 661-864-7710 or